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Denied Upgraded Combustion

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Element: Combustion
Use: Someone could either make a upgraded combustion that follows your cursor while you hold shift until it explodes, which happens until you let go of shift, until it reaches it's range, or it hits a object or player. This needs a larger explosion radius also, or if you tap shift again while the combustion is moving and move your cursor a certain length of time, maybe until you stop holding shift.
Why We need this:Okay, with all the other elements getting upgrades, I believe this is something that kinda needs upgraded. Earthbenders got a LOT of lavabending, and some metalbending with even more suggestions for metalbending. Kinda getting more op by the day. And then water has watercombos, which are better in quality then firecombos, and iceblast which does plenty of damage, and plantbending suggestions being added. Even air is getting more and more powerful, with suggestions for it and suffocation and airgliders eventually. Fire has gotten steadily behind, even if it is the easiest element to learn and does not need sources. And fire seems to be recieving the most hate, debuffs for combustion like making when someone wears a helmet while using combustion they die, or having combustion explode on the bender if they get hit while using combustion. Fire is in a downwards spiral while the other elements are improving. Chi? Just got those stances, and has a few optional moves. Even waterarms may be added if/when @Blaze590 is done with it.


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I like it, but you have to remember the main thing about combustion- it is an explosion, one of the few that actually explodes. That is why this sub-element doesn't have much to it. Also I really don't think that fire is behind. It by far has the greater damage output, and has the most combos. Just something to remember. I still like the move as it is logical and canon.

EDIT: Also you should fix the title.


Verified Member
I like it, but you have to remember the main thing about combustion- it is an explosion, one of the few that actually explodes. That is why this sub-element doesn't have much to it. Also I really don't think that fire is behind. It by far has the greater damage output, and has the most combos. Just something to remember. I still like the move as it is logical and canon.

EDIT: Also you should fix the title.
Yeah, but there are MANY counters to how much damage fire can put out. Fireburst against a earthbender? They just raiseearth it or use eartharmor and take barly any burning damage. Waterbenders? They are already always watercamping, this combustion upgrade would discourage that. Airbenders? They just use airshield or aircatapult if they catch on fire. Kinda seems like fire is getting less powerful.


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Eh. You are making fire seem like it is bad, when in reality it is good. Also the way to counter everything you said - firejet. Use your mobility that the other elements don't have. Raiseearth/eartharmor, firejet circles around them while blasting fireblast at them. Watercamping, firejet to them and use fireblast a few times, if they are underwater, wait them out while charging fireblast. Airshield - Firejet over them and fireblast from the top. Make them fight you.


Verified Member
Eh. You are making fire seem like it is bad, when in reality it is good. Also the way to counter everything you said - firejet. Use your mobility that the other elements don't have. Raiseearth/eartharmor, firejet circles around them while blasting fireblast at them. Watercamping, firejet to them and use fireblast a few times, if they are underwater, wait them out while charging fireblast. Airshield - Firejet over them and fireblast from the top. Make them fight you.
So air has a running boost, that can outrace a firebender firejetting, earthbenders can catapult and use shockwave, and spam shockwave to such a extent you can't reach the earthbender at all, waterbenders can waterwave, and you do realize the range of torrent vs the range of firejet, right? The watercampers are not going to be close enough for you to firejet close without a death sentence if you miss, but they will be close enough to use torrent and hit you for tons of damage. And earthgrab does stop firejet pretty easily, and I somehow doubt that airshield has a magical hole in the top, it is a sphere.
Edit: And airbenders can aircatapult too. Pretty much all the elements have mobility to match earthbenders. And also earthbenders have earthsmash.


Verified Member
Eh. You are making fire seem like it is bad, when in reality it is good. Also the way to counter everything you said - firejet. Use your mobility that the other elements don't have. Raiseearth/eartharmor, firejet circles around them while blasting fireblast at them. Watercamping, firejet to them and use fireblast a few times, if they are underwater, wait them out while charging fireblast. Airshield - Firejet over them and fireblast from the top. Make them fight you.
Let me get this straight. You are going to be the reason this is going to be denied, because you don't think fire is as debuffed as it can be. Well have a not as bad as you could have been award.


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I'm not trying to get it denied, I said I liked it. I was just trying to provide ways for people saying that fire is not powerful ways to make it powerful. Also airshield does have a hole in the top, it isn't a complete sphere. I've been killed plenty of times like that. And I'm pretty sure that earthgrab doesn't grab a person flying through the air, and I could never get the airblast catapult thing to take me very far. The most I ever got was 2 blocks. But you could wait them out.


Verified Member
I'm not trying to get it denied, I said I liked it. I was just trying to provide ways for people saying that fire is not powerful ways to make it powerful. Also airshield does have a hole in the top, it isn't a complete sphere. I've been killed plenty of times like that. And I'm pretty sure that earthgrab doesn't grab a person flying through the air, and I could never get the airblast catapult thing to take me very far. The most I ever got was 2 blocks. But you could wait them out.
Earthshield can grab someone while they are firejetting, a long as the firebender did not waste firejet time to go up like 3 blocks. The most I ever got from aircatapult was like 150 blocks. You are doing it wrong.


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So firebending pvp mostly consists of, firejet, fireblast, heatcontrol if you catch on fire. Yeah, so overpowered. Fireblast is such a op move because it can be countered by every element including fire, and firejet is so op because it lets you go somewhat fast when you just spam it perfectly. Reality Check: Fireblast isn't even spammable unlike watermanipulation and earthblast, fireshield and walloffire can be countered by waterbenders just torrenting from above it, or earthbenders just earthblasting from source blocks on the other side, or waterbenders just using torrent since torrent can't be blocked by walloffire, or earthbenders just using lavabending which is unblockable by walloffire, fire is SO OP since literally every one of it's moves is blockable by EVERY element. Lightning one hit kill in atla? Make it four hit kill. Not exactly the most op element in the plugin, but definitely a force to be reckoned with in the show. When people get into multiple pages of arguments when people suggest upgrading firebending or adding on a single move, but plantbending gets pages of support, I wonder why those elements have gotten more powerful then fire.


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Most servers: Every server I have been on that uses community moves that I have been on has it. Yeah, so unrelevant.
I know a server that doesn't have it, so yea, relevant.
So firebending pvp mostly consists of, firejet, fireblast, heatcontrol if you catch on fire. Yeah, so overpowered. Fireblast is such a op move because it can be countered by every element including fire, and firejet is so op because it lets you go somewhat fast when you just spam it perfectly. Reality Check: Fireblast isn't even spammable unlike watermanipulation and earthblast, fireshield and walloffire can be countered by waterbenders just torrenting from above it, or earthbenders just earthblasting from source blocks on the other side, or waterbenders just using torrent since torrent can't be blocked by walloffire, or earthbenders just using lavabending which is unblockable by walloffire, fire is SO OP since literally every one of it's moves is blockable by EVERY element. Lightning one hit kill in atla? Make it four hit kill. Not exactly the most op element in the plugin, but definitely a force to be reckoned with in the show. When people get into multiple pages of arguments when people suggest upgrading firebending or adding on a single move, but plantbending gets pages of support, I wonder why those elements have gotten more powerful then fire.
Also you are blowing this way out of proportion. Just saying.


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Yay, now this is going to be denied simply because 2 people argued over fire being op, with the other elements leaving fire far behind, fire still is not underpowered or overpowered. Yay.
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