Verified Member
I'm bringing this issue up that i have that is very annoying to me, i would really like this fixed.
I don't think anything else will fix it.
So a long while back my server chat, Stop displaying chats. It only displayed when people joined or left.
I know it's ProjectKorra doing this because I went every....single......plugin in my server.
When i took out ProjectKorra and tried the rest of the plugins so on, chat worked. Then i put it back. it stops again.
I know there is a setting in the config where is says Chat: ture or false.
I've already tried both options.
Let me know if this is happening to anyone else, That uses a Hoster or maybe BukkitGUI?
I don't think I'm the only one that's noticed it, or i just haven't found a way to resolve this issue.
- I'm using a Hoster.
I'm bringing this issue up that i have that is very annoying to me, i would really like this fixed.
I don't think anything else will fix it.
So a long while back my server chat, Stop displaying chats. It only displayed when people joined or left.
I know it's ProjectKorra doing this because I went every....single......plugin in my server.
When i took out ProjectKorra and tried the rest of the plugins so on, chat worked. Then i put it back. it stops again.
I know there is a setting in the config where is says Chat: ture or false.
I've already tried both options.
Let me know if this is happening to anyone else, That uses a Hoster or maybe BukkitGUI?
I don't think I'm the only one that's noticed it, or i just haven't found a way to resolve this issue.
- I'm using a Hoster.