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Denied New Water move: PhaseShield


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Name: PhaseShield
Element: Water
How used: [Hold shift] > [L-click]
Description: Basically this move would allow a waterbender to change a torrent into a shield of ice that stays in one spot. The move would change a torrent coming at you when you click the torrent when it is within 2 blocks of you. The shield part wouldn't really look much like a shield, but a barrier. This was shown to be used by Katara and is logical seeing as there isn't a good way to block torrent at the moment. When I can I will put an image of what it would look like here.
Newly Added: So water is all about turning defense into offense, right? So here is what I thought of. When you make the barrier, you can keep using phaseshield to shoot ice towards your enemy. Although this might require a new name to be put in place. Whatever will work. If you have a suggestion for the name, POST IT!
Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!
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Verified Member
This sounds a lot like surge shield is now... you should develop the idea a little bit more. It just seems at the moment like a redundant move that is unnecessary because we have a move that does the same thing already. However, I do respect your endeavor, and you should get a picture and take it further to make it more clear to us what you're explaining.


Staff member
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Verified Member
This sounds a lot like surge shield is now... you should develop the idea a little bit more. It just seems at the moment like a redundant move that is unnecessary because we have a move that does the same thing already. However, I do respect your endeavor, and you should get a picture and take it further to make it more clear to us what you're explaining.
It isn't like surge shield for multiple reasons: it can't be moved, you have to block torrent to make the shield, you can't make it water. But I do see your point and I do have some things I forgot to put in there. I'll edit it.


Verified Member
Alright, I am just trying to help make this as clear as possible so that the Concept Designers have more to work with.