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Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea


Verified Member
Also not to be sassy or anything but a geyser goes at pretty intense speeds. They are also boiling. I believe it would make sense for a waterbending to shoot then out of the earth. OF course there will be a somewhat of a High cooldown.
You do realize that this entire thread is going to be denied, just because you would not separate the two abilitys. No? Okay. I am just getting ready to try and code a move. Good job at Zhu Li'ing that up for yourself.


Verified Member
So toxic. Honestly I wanted opinions from people. Constructive critisism not someone like you who is 50% clueless.
If this is how you respond to ideas, not saying that the idea to make the ability be in the nether because there is lava, lots of it, possibly volcanoes, then I don't think that you are exactly the best responder to constructive critism. @MistPhizzle this is a thread with 2 abilitys. Only one ability allowed per thread. Can you explain to this new guy that you can't have more then 1 ability per thread? I can't get that into his head.


Verified Member
And no, no staff are on. So keep this flame war up. That is, only if you want this move denied.


Verified Member
This thread has turned too belligerent. I've given my criticism and moved on... Maybe you should do the same Owl :p


Verified Member
Owl has a habit of trying to be on the plugin creator's good side but it's not the best attempt. Two suggestions in one thread isn't very threatening in my opinion, but that's not the point. My issue with geyser is that, in the series, it took a lot of effort just to make water come out of a steam vent. The ability to detect water several miles underground isn't really part of waterbending for several reasons. For one, it's too far. Remote waterbending is usually an avatar technique. Secondly, the idea of having highly pressurized water that can effortlessly jut up through the earth solely through waterbending isn't realistic. Third, aquifers don't run under every square inch of the earth's crust. The likeliness of water running under you right now that isn't from a city pipeline that happens to be close enough to waterbend is pretty slim.