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Earth Combos

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Verified Member
I know it may be a little early for Earthcombos but i got some good ideas that my be added to the plugin.

EarthCombo:crushing bolder, this combo is Raiseearth(Hold shift) earthgrab (click) this move crushes the selected target in dirt or any kind of block earthbenders can bend in a entomb that placecs the target inside that suffocates them for 4 seconds this time can be extended or shorted in the config.

Earth Combo : Earth Spikes Raiseearth(click) earthblast(tap shift) shockwave (tap shift) this move forms spikes of earth near the earthbender.Anybody near the earthbender will be shot in to the air 5 blocks up.This move is just raiseearth clicking on the ground but they come up at the same time 4 spikes will form near the bender.

Earth combo : Earth barrage earthblast(tap shift) Earthblast (click) Raiseearth (shift) this move is like Runefist icetorpedo.It has a earthline/earthsharp animation what it does is shot 4 earthblast at the target and does a total of 5 hearts if all of them hit the target.

Thats all my idea give me some feedback if you like them or not let me know thanks :D
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Verified Member
Ok thanks i changed it so it does not have to my EarthLine sorry for replying late I've been busy with school etc


Verified Member
I'm not a fan of the Boulder Crush move. This could easily be achieved with Raise Earth. It's possible to suffocate people with raise earth alone


Verified Member
I'm not a fan of the Boulder Crush move. This could easily be achieved with Raise Earth. It's possible to suffocate people with raise earth alone
Yes,I know raise earth can suffocate people but it never really keeps the target in place the combo is for it to keep
The player in place


Verified Member
I suggest a combo like so: shift raiseearth, (keep holding shift) click shockwave, click earthgrab

That way, it's like you simulating, lifting up the earthwall, throwing the earthwall and then wrapping it around the foe and crushing them!

Good idea? Bad idea? Suggestions?


Verified Member
I would really love some base design here, What will they look like?
I find that even doodles can help determine the combo's visualization other then words.
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