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Complete Time Limit Bloodbending

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Verified Member
Name: Bloodbending is not so op by itself, just a move that throws people into the air, right?
Changes: Wrong. When used in arena's blood benders often move benders into lava, and hold them underneath a lava stream, assuming that the arena try's to make lava bending a little more common. There would be a time limit.
Why we need this: this final bit would make bloodbending much less op. Without it, what would you do to stop a blood bender after they have actually bloodbent you. You could pvp log I guess? But that is cheap and against the rules even against the cheapest bending trick to pull. So why not this?


Verified Member
I don't get the full idea, I think what you mean is that the player that is bloodbent will be controlled for a limited time? If a player is bent over a lava pool and there is a time limit of 10 seconds, They will just fall into the lava after 10 seconds, I don't see the nerf.

Bloodbending itself is overpowered in the show, Maybe a limited time would help a bit ;).


Verified Member
I'm into the idea of BloodBending having a time limit but there should also be a time config option for it. In terms of reasoning, I think it would be a better idea to use a few examples from the show to help get the point across. Like how even Yokan and Amon who could BloodBend on any day other than a full moon had to physically and mentally exert themselves in order to control their target for an extended period of time.


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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I think having this as a config option would be a good idea.
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