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Fire Shield redo?

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New Member
My Suggestions for an Updated Fire Shield:
  • Ability to completely or partially block attacks from other elements. Such as air swipe and airblast. Even the ability to sometimes block small non particles based attacks from earth and water would be cool.(not sure if its possible)
  • Ability to block projectiles. I think it would e great if the two variations(surrounding and in front) of fire shield would have a high chance of blocking projectiles like air shield.
  • Maybe to counterbalance these new features would be a short cooldown for the front shield and less of a chance to block for the surrounding shield.
Thanks for looking over my suggestion. I just think it'd be great if this move was more effective than its current state.(near useless)



Verified Member
I see the logic in this. If one were to look at the series FireShield has been used to block bending attacks on many occasions (which was its original purpose).


Verified Member
I see the logic in this. If one were to look at the series FireShield has been used to block bending attacks on many occasions (which was its original purpose).
Also, you know, Fire blocks usually showed the ability to evaporate water attacks into steam, so maybe regular watermanipulations shouldn't work through it? Just food for thought.
My Suggestions for an Updated Fire Shield:
  • Ability to completely or partially block attacks from other elements. Such as air swipe and airblast. Even the ability to sometimes block small non particles based attacks from earth and water would be cool.(not sure if its possible)
  • Ability to block projectiles. I think it would e great if the two variations(surrounding and in front) of fire shield would have a high chance of blocking projectiles like air shield.
  • Maybe to counterbalance these new features would be a short cooldown for the front shield and less of a chance to block for the surrounding shield.
Thanks for looking over my suggestion. I just think it'd be great if this move was more effective than its current state.(near useless)



Verified Member
Also, you know, Fire blocks usually showed the ability to evaporate water attacks into steam, so maybe regular watermanipulations shouldn't work through it? Just a thought.
That make sense. I think the non-charged, spammable abilities should be blocked for FireShield.


Verified Member
Fire shield does block, you just have to use it in a spilt second.
I agree. I often use fire shield to block other attacks. It's especially good with Fire Blast.

My Suggestions for an Updated Fire Shield:
  • Ability to completely or partially block attacks from other elements. Such as air swipe and airblast. Even the ability to sometimes block small non particles based attacks from earth and water would be cool.(not sure if its possible)
  • Ability to block projectiles. I think it would e great if the two variations(surrounding and in front) of fire shield would have a high chance of blocking projectiles like air shield.
  • Maybe to counterbalance these new features would be a short cooldown for the front shield and less of a chance to block for the surrounding shield.
Thanks for looking over my suggestion. I just think it'd be great if this move was more effective than its current state.(near useless)

I think this kind of Fire Shield should be a Fire Shield combo.
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