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Verified Member
can we please add air slice. air need a bit more attacking. and right now air swipe is not dealing damage. so it would be great if we add air slice. all it would do is deal 1-2 hearts or damage (or less but considering how un offensive air is in evens out). a little bit of knock back (because its air). so this would be cool pleas add it.


Verified Member
masterkael, I believe air swipe is good the way it is. Airbenders are supposed to do little damage. They lack offensiveness, but they make in up with agility and defense.


I agree with Majorite here. I'm fairly sure you can up the damage of AirSwipe in the config too currently, if you want more damage on it.


Verified Member
Masterkael, if you want air swipe to do more damage, go into the plugin's config (the config should be visible in the ProjectKorra folder after you load the server with the Korra plugin.) Open the config with some text editor. Scroll down until you find Airbending. Look for air swipe. Under air swipe you should find damage. Change it to what you want it to be. Reload the server and you are done.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Send a picture of this i don't understand.
If you can't edit the server files kael you can't change this. If you own the server, you should know how to configure plugins. If you don't, please view my quick tutorial!

AlexTheCoder said:
Open your plugins directory. Go into the directory named ProjectKorra. Open the file config.yml Scroll down in said file to Abilities, then Air, then AirSwipe. Change the value labeled damage to whatever you want. Save File. Start Server.