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Denied New avatar ability (Elemental Sphere)

Vote for if you think the move should be separate, or part of the avatarstate move.

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I have looked around and couldn't find anything like my idea, please leave a link to something you think is close to what I say if it has already been suggested. In the show before Aang takes away firelord Ozu's (Sorry if spelled wrong) bending, he does this sphere type move that uses all 4 elements and is super faster in flying, stronger in bending. This could be another ability completely for the avatar, or it could be another part of the already existing move, avatarstate. I have no clue what the name would be, if it were to be treated as a separate move. I have an idea of how it could be done:
A torrent type of spinning around inside an airshield with fire and earth spinning around the player outside of the shield. Basically, diagonal torrent, airshield, diagonal spinning fire, vertically spinning earth. This requires the player to be like 2-3 blocks off the ground. While in the sphere, the player automatically has fireblast, earthblast, airblast, and watermanipulation bound to 4 slots (it will say in chat which ones), all of the moves require no source, they will come from the sphere. The way the move itself works is it is a toggle ability. The way it could work if it was a part of the move avatarstate is basically the same, but when you activate avatarstate, it is bound to a different slot automatically then it can be toggled at will on and off while the player is in the avatarstate. everything else mentioned would be the same. If on the poll you think the move should be another move entirely, suggest a name for it. If you voted for it to be a part of avatarstate, don't worry about suggesting a name, but you can if you still wish to.
Thank you for reading this quite long suggestion.


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Probably not possible without tons of code, just like waterarms, and then avatar would be even more op. I believe I have seen a few copys of this same idea, all saying that it is going to be hellacious to code.


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If avatar isn't gonna be powerful it should just be taken out. They can bend all four elements and get one move specialized for the avatar. The avatar should get one more move that makes it stand out over the rest. That being said it would be a lot of code, but most of it could be copied from the existing moves I mentioned. All the move I suggested is is a combination of multiple moves.


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If avatar isn't gonna be powerful it should just be taken out. They can bend all four elements and get one move specialized for the avatar. The avatar should get one more move that makes it stand out over the rest. That being said it would be a lot of code, but most of it could be copied from the existing moves I mentioned. All the move I suggested is is a combination of multiple moves.
It is already extremly op. Most bending moves would barly even harm the avatar in the avatar state, and the average fireblast can one hit a player, and lightning can one hit the enderdragon if the avatar is in avatarstate. Yes, avatar state is very op. Avatar state has unlimited firejet. We should be focusing on making it less op, not more.


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I believe its called an Elemental Sphere and even if it was possible you have to keep in mind that this would probably lag allot as many particles and entities would be necessary to create.
In addition to this it would be Op as avatars all ready can easily over helm their enemies with such a verity of moves.


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I see your points. I just thought that the avatar could actually have a move that no one else could do. And not just one that increases buffs.


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don't you already get the passives without the move, being able to control all four elements and all.
And also giving bloodbending to just the avatar is not very logical, seeing as waterbenders would be able to do it too.


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don't you already get the passives without the move, being able to control all four elements and all.
And also giving bloodbending to just the avatar is not very logical, seeing as waterbenders would be able to do it too.
You do, because you need to have all 4 elements to use avatar state. That was a suggestion if you REALLY wanted something for avatars and could not code. Bonebending? Bloodbending could need bonebending(trace minerals in bones like iron) to work according to the lore of your server. Then again, just a suggestion.


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Kool, but that feels like it could be bloodbending for earth. I mean something that uses all four elements at the same time.


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You do, because you need to have all 4 elements to use avatar state. That was a suggestion if you REALLY wanted something for avatars and could not code. Bonebending? Bloodbending could need bonebending(trace minerals in bones like iron) to work according to the lore of your server. Then again, just a suggestion.
*You don't need to have all four elements in game to use the avatarstate, just have the permission granted to you.


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The Avatar is already pretty powerfuk even without the Avatar State. It has the mobility of air, the DoT of fire, the pure strength of earth, and the mixed offense and defense of water. Usually you need to sacrifice some to get some. The fact that they have all the benefits is already pretty good.


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Just to clarify a few things~
1. Will it bend? Yes, this idea is very possible to do, /maybe/ even as an add-on (I'd need to look into this)
2. Hard to code? eeh... depends of the level of effects... particles would be a lot easier to compensate for when the player moves but that would require a lot of tough math. Blocks (for Earth and Water) would could look good while you were stationary (and off the ground) but the second you moved... o_O blech...


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What if the move was modified to where fire particles spin both ways diagonally around an airshield, and then water goes around you vertically and earth spins around the airshield vertically? That would help with it wouldn't it? Torrent moves with you (even if you are sneaking). You could make the speed go a little slower to make the water and earth look good too.

EDIT: I just thought of this. There are water like particles in the game so why not make that the water inside the airshield (vertically or diagonally), and then when you run it creates particles of earth flying off the ground. What if those particle effects could be used in making it so it would look better, run smoother (maybe, maybe not), and the particles would be easier to move around with, no? This is all hypothetical if the particles mentioned can be used in the way described.


Verified Member
I have looked around and couldn't find anything like my idea, please leave a link to something you think is close to what I say if it has already been suggested. In the show before Aang takes away firelord Ozu's (Sorry if spelled wrong) bending, he does this sphere type move that uses all 4 elements and is super faster in flying, stronger in bending. This could be another ability completely for the avatar, or it could be another part of the already existing move, avatarstate. I have no clue what the name would be, if it were to be treated as a separate move. I have an idea of how it could be done:
A torrent type of spinning around inside an airshield with fire and earth spinning around the player outside of the shield. Basically, diagonal torrent, airshield, diagonal spinning fire, vertically spinning earth. This requires the player to be like 2-3 blocks off the ground. While in the sphere, the player automatically has fireblast, earthblast, airblast, and watermanipulation bound to 4 slots (it will say in chat which ones), all of the moves require no source, they will come from the sphere. The way the move itself works is it is a toggle ability. The way it could work if it was a part of the move avatarstate is basically the same, but when you activate avatarstate, it is bound to a different slot automatically then it can be toggled at will on and off while the player is in the avatarstate. everything else mentioned would be the same. If on the poll you think the move should be another move entirely, suggest a name for it. If you voted for it to be a part of avatarstate, don't worry about suggesting a name, but you can if you still wish to.
Thank you for reading this quite long suggestion.
If this is part of the AvatarCombo suggestion then you should make a combo formula for it.


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Did. Although it is quite, in need of improvement.
Okay, I can't seem to find it, I don't know if you posted (if you post just tell me where), but I do have a suggestion: I would end the formula with a held sneak and the sneak must be at least until the ability is formed.
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