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Collection of new moves.

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RaiseIce - This is in no way similar to raiseearth whatsoever. Raise Ice allows the bender to send a flood of water, (3-5 blocks wide) and raises your opponent in the air, trapping them in ice for a CONFIGURABLE amount of time, and does no damage besides fall damage. Left click at a water source, and hold shift to flow the water in the direction you are facing (It can be directed by moving your cursor). On contact with an entity, the opponent will be raised and trapped in ice, and letting go of shift will collapse the ice, letting the opponent fall, taking damage. This move can be redirectable if the target clicks a block of water in the flood, and shifts, which will send the flood back to the person who fired it first, and can be infinitely directable. This is OP, so you may add cooldowns as you please. Katara used this on Zuko in the frozen land above the Northern Watertribe in Siege of the North Pole episodes.

Wave - A waterbender will be able to click a water source, stand in front of it, and have a medium sized wave will swerve around the bender, and flows in front of the bender, pushing the opponent in front of them further back. Click a source behind you, and shift to flow the water. This is a good defensive ability to maintain a distance between the bender and the opponent. In addition, a sub-move within this move will rain ice shards on the opponent. Shift at a source in front of you, and click at the opponent. This will raise a tall wave of water, then rain ice shards on the opponent. Katara used this against Sparky Sparky Boom Man in the air temples. Wave was used by Pakku against Katara in the North Pole episodes.

Manipulation - Clicking at a water source, then shifting will toggle a stream of water to follow your cursor around a 4 block radius around your player. This will not disappear until you let go of shift. Clicking it will shoot it at a player and return back to you, as long as you hold shift. This is mainly a defensive move. This blocks projectile attacks if you move the stream with your cursor so it redirects it where the water is flowing. This will have a 70%-80% chance of completely blocking, and will hold as long as you are holding shift.

Stream - This is one I really want to be implemented. This move is very simple. Click at a water source, and the water shoots out and follows your cursor like torrent AUTOMATICALLY after a fraction of a second. This move has to be completed in one fluid motion, like actual waterbending. Click at the source, and you have a fraction of a second to aim before it rises from the source, and a long stream of water will follow the cursor. Korra is seen doing this against herself in Korra Alone (Book 4). It goes directly from the source to the opponent, while following the cursor. The stream would be 10-15 blocks long, longer than torrent, and would deal a configurable 1-3 hearts of damage, and a configurable 2 second cooldown, and able to be fired two times consecutively before the cooldown, also configurable. I also want this ability to be redirectable by which the opponent shifts, and clicks the stream while holding shift. The water then rotates around and launches automatically after 1 second. This is infinitely redirectable, like water bending.

This is probably not the format you are looking for a suggestion, but I do not know anything about coding etc. It is just a few ideas. Sorry for any inconvenience. These ideas are not my own. I just think they are worth having a look at.


Verified Member
I would like it if I were the one posting it since it was my concept. I first wrote this on the forums of a server.
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Verified Member
Well those ideas are awesome but you should probably split them apart because they are going to lock it if you do not.You can just copy paste each one on a different suggestion!


Verified Member
Well those ideas are awesome but you should probably split them apart because they are going to lock it if you do not.You can just copy paste each one on a different suggestion!
Thank you for your feedback. I will keep that in mind.


Verified Member
Use the projectkorra search. You can see a better formatted water gimbal, that is I believe being looked into. You could learn a bit about format by looking at that one.
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