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Search results

  1. Zafkiel

    Passing through WallOfFire

    Introduction : As you certainly know huh ... you can't pass through WallOfFire. What it'll do : Holding shift and having the ability HeatControl selected will let you pass through a WallOfFire. How it should look like : Holding shift with HeatControl selected near a WallOfFire Will create a...
  2. Zafkiel

    [Fire] Aesthetic changes to HeatControl.

    In this thread I would propose to change aesthetically the "Immunity to fire damage" function of HeatControl. Introduction : As everyone certainly know having the HeatControl slot selected while in fire won't let you take fire damage. Aesthetic Changes : So here the change I would want to...
  3. Zafkiel

    SurgeShield source range configuration

    I wrote this little suggestion because I think that the source selection range of the waterbending ability Surge (shield function) must be configurable. Beside this there is not much more to tell :)
  4. Zafkiel

    Changes to Knockback Dynamic

    Hi everyone ! so here's my idea : Instead of having a static knockback I think we should make it Dynamic. For example we can modify the knockback of an ability compared to how far away the target is. So if you use earthblast on a target far from 1 block from you instead of dealing 0.4...
  5. Zafkiel

    Looking Into Choose " Sub-Passive Ability " .

    Hi Everyone this is my first suggestion in the forum , so I will try to do a good presentation . I think that would be a great idea for the RPG side of the plugin to let the player decide wish "Sub-Passive Ability" he want to have. That would be more realistic if a firebender can be fast , and...