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Accepted Wiki Team Application

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Verified Member
Have you ever worked on a plugin or another server's documentation before?
I have done my own server documentation before. It's important to have player fully understand how things work and how to play. In this case, how the the ProjectKorra plugin works and all aspects of it. I have created documentation as the www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender moderator. That consisted of clearly writing out rules and guide to the subreddit so that all users can understand.​

Why do you want to work on the ProjectKorra Wiki?
I want to work on the ProjectKorra plugin so I can help give back to the plugin. Many times recently, I went to the wiki for help or solutions and the information I needed was not there. I want to help add the missing information and keep things neat.​

Do you have a preference as to which plugin's documentation you work on?
Not at all. I'll likely be exploring all aspects of the plugin and the future add-ons.​

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Additional Relevant Skills:
Huge TLA and Korra fan. I'll be able to add all background needed for moves completed. I'm also very tech-smart. Which means I'll be able to help describe the configuration of moves and how it can be changed to better suit the player or server.​
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