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Denied Waterbending bodysource

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New Member
In Avatar The last Airbender, or also known as Avatar, the legend of Aang, Aang, katara, and their friends get locked up in a wooden cell, because noone can bend wood, due to its lack of water, earth, fire, and air, they are stuck there, than, katara realises that her body produces wter when she starts crying, she starts working out and uses hersweat to cut through the jail,

I though it would be a nice feature for waterbenders that when you sneak and hit the ground with a bottle of water, you "work out" and store the water, causing you to lose a few hungerbars (completely customisable) but in return, filling the waterbottle with your "sweat" cause of "working out", even though its not that big of a feature, it would be a nice little addon and it would make the gameplay a tiny bit more attractive, adding on to that, it wouldn't be that hard to create this, so I'd love this to be added into the plugin, for the rest, keep the great work up,


Verified Member
Maybe (not sure if this is even possible ;-;) it could be a bound move, but you need to like jump/run/punch/shift-punch/right-click a certain amount to 'work up a sweat'... Because if this were in an arena, people would just have infinite waterbottles because they don't worry about hunger..


Verified Member
Yeah this wouldn't really work in Minecraft as we don't have sweat physics in there. Yes, we could add them but the whole thing would seem a little silly.

Not saying that the idea isn't canon, but in this instance it wouldn't work, sorry!
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