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Denied Water Motors

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Verified Member
This is rather straightforward. In Avatar, the swamp benders used waterbending to speed up their boat/canoes. Well in minecraft, even for waterbenders it can be a pain to cross large large bodies of water. When in a boat all they have to do is equip this ability and they will speed up. I am thinking maybe hunger decrease or maybe the speed depends on time of the day. Suggestions and feedback are welcome.


Verified Member
I don't know how possible it is to change the speed of boats, but if this is possible, I like it ^-^.


Verified Member
sorry to bum you out but, you can swim really fast underwater so there's no need for a fast boat..., mabye this is something for rpg?


Verified Member
It could make more sense in RPG. Making it so waterbenders can only go a certain distance before being fatigued and thus will use boats and bend the water to go faster.


Verified Member
This will be a kind of useless addon to the core of the plugin. Perhaps make an separate addon ability for this?
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