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Denied StoneShards


Verified Member
Element: Earth
Name: StoneShards
Use: This would be a combo, similar to icebullet but without the shield of ice and it would do more damage.
Source: 0:15 onwards in this video.


Verified Member
Curious, where would u get the stoneshard from? In ice bullet, it shoots from the ice. what would the stone shoot from?


Verified Member
Curious, where would u get the stoneshard from? In ice bullet, it shoots from the ice. what would the stone shoot from?
What? I am not understanding your question. This would be from the earth, shooting out a dirt/stone breaking particle but without the shield. You aren't selecting the source repetitively for icebullet. It starts a few blocks away from you and each time you left or right click it shoots. And I am pretty sure that lin beifong did not suround herself with earth while shooting tons of earth shards. Sooooo... I don't understand your point.


Verified Member
this move just seems very similar to other earthbending moves. There is no need for a medium range damaging move with earth. The idea is good, but there really isnt a purpose for this move at this time. However, It might work well as an addon!