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Denied Shurikens

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Verified Member
Element: Earth- Metal
Ability: Shurikens

This ability will allow a metal bender to throw "shurikens" at his/her foe.

To use have iron ingots in the slot you are using and left click to throw them. If will have a range of ten blocks and if you don't hit anything it will come back to you. Each throw will cost you an iron ingot. When a mob/player is hit it will do 1 heart of damage. This will have a cool down of 1.5 seconds.

The other way to can use it is holding down shift for 3 seconds, and left clicking this will throw 3 shurikens in front of you at your target, costing you 3 iron ingots. (Has a range of 15 blocks.) This will do 3 hearts of damage but have a cool down of 12 seconds.


Verified Member
Similar/same action can be done by MetalClips as you described which already is a move. I think this move will not be that useful, and Shuriken wouldn't be its correct/proper name.


Staff member
Digital Team
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This isn't really a:tla or a:lok in my opinion. I say this because, when have they ever used weapons like this? They've always used bending as their weapon. Never anything else, well except Sokka and Aang with his staff. Then there's korra with her staff and (I can't remember her name :'() someone with their chi blocker weapons that her father had, and the chi blockers, but they never use anything else.


Verified Member
I do believe this has been suggested many times before... A similar move has been made in addon abilities (MetalThrow), but it has been rejected a few times in the core suggestions. This post will be the same..
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