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Denied ShardShot


Verified Member
Element: Earth
Name: ShardShot
Use: This would do half the damage of a regular earthblast. However it would cause any combustion benders to deal the damage to themselves if they get hit by this move in a configurable amount of time. It would have to be a one chance thing, since it is hard to get one shot well aimed after another. So maybe a cooldown, how long do you think it should be?


Verified Member
Also I named the move ShardShot because I was getting a little bored of people always having a prefix of Earth. Yeah, time to move on people.


Verified Member
It's great and all, but they should just add this to earthblast because it's a waste of time to make a move based off combustion and only does half the damage of regular earthblast. Plus combustion has a long cooldown so its not like people spam it.


Verified Member
Intercepting combustion with attacks already makes it explode on the firebender, that would make this suggestion kind of redundant, however, I see why you suggested it.

Maybe if it had a different function it could gain some use, like if combustionbenders are hit with ShardShot for a certain amount of time (configurable, default could be about 20 seconds) it would disable their ability to combustionbend?


Verified Member
I love the idea, wasn't with it at first, but when i watch the videos i got the grasp of it.
I don't know how this will work though, the timing and everything.

Also, Combustion don't have a long cooldown on some servers ;)


Verified Member
I love the idea, wasn't with it at first, but when i watch the videos i got the grasp of it.
I don't know how this will work though, the timing and everything.

Also, Combustion don't have a long cooldown on some servers ;)
They should just implement it to earthblast so they dont waste time just focusing on a move that already exists but just one change, when they could be focused on other new moves ;)


Verified Member
Yeah, but it seemed like such a big thing to actually be able to aim a shot DIRECTLY to the third eye, a target that is probably just a inch tall and wide. Katara freezing Combustion Man's head did basically nothing to combustioning, so it can't just be a direct shot to the head. Just thinking there should be a Bit of skill involved to hit a 1 inch eye right on the spot in the plugin. Maybe this could be a dirt breaking particle that shoots out.


Verified Member
This move is really redundant as it stands. There is no reason to make a move that does the exact same thing as other moves.