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Currently, in the ProjectKorra plugin the move TremorSense allows a player to mentally see what is around them at night or while in the dark by using their Earthbending to sense vibrations. In many episodes, Lin Beifong using a move called SeismicSense to discover hidden caves/tunnels while the room is completely dark or to find an escaped convict. The move, demonstrated below, shows that Lin could not continuously see what was around her and that she actually had to perform the move, it didn't always just naturally happen when someone turned the lights off.
With that being said, it makes TremorSense seem pretty far fetched. Every time someone turns the lights out, they just continuously keep pounding the floor to sense the vibrations? I dont think so... That would make the user look pretty funny! In my opinion, the move TremorSense should be renamed to "SeismicSense" since this is the actual name of the ability in both the Legend of Korra and The Last Airbender. I also think some new changes should be made to this move. I think the glowstone was a nice start, but in many cases when a server lags the glowstone can become a bit annoying, since your light source is 3-5 blocks behind you as you are moving. I realize this is the server owners problem and not project korra's because some servers can not handle too many block updates at one time, but with this change, the lag with Tremorsense could be solved altogether.
The changes are as follows:
- [Main Concept] Completely remove the glowstone and replace it with night vision.
1) After a user binds the ability, they shift to come into direct contact with the ground (Aka: stomping on it).
2) Once a user has pressed shift, they are awarded night vision for 5 seconds, this basicially will represent their "Mental Image" of their surroundings. (This time interval could also be a configurable variable in the main project korra config)
- Seismic sense: A technique originally developed by the blind badgermoles, skilled Earthbenders are able to sense vibrations through the ground, "seeing" by sensing their surroundings and making a mental image of it. (credits to Avatar Wiki for the correct definition)
With that being said, it makes TremorSense seem pretty far fetched. Every time someone turns the lights out, they just continuously keep pounding the floor to sense the vibrations? I dont think so... That would make the user look pretty funny! In my opinion, the move TremorSense should be renamed to "SeismicSense" since this is the actual name of the ability in both the Legend of Korra and The Last Airbender. I also think some new changes should be made to this move. I think the glowstone was a nice start, but in many cases when a server lags the glowstone can become a bit annoying, since your light source is 3-5 blocks behind you as you are moving. I realize this is the server owners problem and not project korra's because some servers can not handle too many block updates at one time, but with this change, the lag with Tremorsense could be solved altogether.
The changes are as follows:
- [Main Concept] Completely remove the glowstone and replace it with night vision.
1) After a user binds the ability, they shift to come into direct contact with the ground (Aka: stomping on it).
2) Once a user has pressed shift, they are awarded night vision for 5 seconds, this basicially will represent their "Mental Image" of their surroundings. (This time interval could also be a configurable variable in the main project korra config)
- Seismic sense: A technique originally developed by the blind badgermoles, skilled Earthbenders are able to sense vibrations through the ground, "seeing" by sensing their surroundings and making a mental image of it. (credits to Avatar Wiki for the correct definition)