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Denied Sand bending!

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New Member
hey guys,so anyway i was thinking as a new earth move we could have sand bending! sand bending has been around for a very long time but from what ive seen many server on minecraft do not have ANY type of sand bending moves.Im thinking for a sand bending move we could have,"Sand Slice" it could have an animation like water manipulation and do 1.5 hearts no cool down and it blinds the enemy for 2 seconds.i thought of this attack when i was watching toph hold up the library,Toph let go of the library for a couple of seconds and started blasting sand at the sandbenders but missed. to do this move you would have to shift at an earth bendable block (the block turns to a sand block) then click at your enemy!

For a second attack i was thinking sand tomb it starts off as you gathering blocks that levitate around the enemy (this would have a 4 second charging time and would start by you holding shift,when u see the smoke its ready) (also the animation would look like torrent except it would be a circle around the enemy) then you let go of shift and all of the blocks that are around the enemy fly into the enemy thus crushing them,this move would have a 5 second cooldown time and would do 3.5 hearts THANKS FOR READING! :)


Verified Member
overpowered. So you want a clone of watermanipulation, added to earthbending, that blinds people from a distance. That seems pretty overpowered. If I am correct, that does more damage then watermanipulation, so yeah.

Second, Sandbenders don't need to become Gaara with sand coffin.

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Verified Member
overpowered. So you want a clone of watermanipulation, added to earthbending, that blinds people from a distance. That seems pretty overpowered. If I am correct, that does more damage then watermanipulation, so yeah.

Second, Sandbenders don't need to become Gaara with sand coffin.

I guess he was watching some Naruto before making the post lol
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