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Denied Punch - Head Gets Lock

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Verified Member
Attached with the Chiblocking Revamp thread made by @Hero, Punch ability has a chance to turn player's head and lock it in place after punching that player.

Ok so what does it briefly, when you punch someone, there's 35% chance for who ever punch, there head turn sideaway and lock in position. So if that percentage happens, the hit player curson would turn to his left/right side, as if he was about to look at that side, and after his curson gets turn there, his head will be look for about 5 seconds, meaning that he wouldn't be able to "turn around" for that long of period of time. I hope i explain it well as much as i could. :p
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Verified Member
Attached with the Chiblocking Revamp thread made by @Hero, Punch ability has a chance to turn player's head and lock it in place after punching that player.

Ok so what does it briefly, when you punch someone, there's 35% chance for who ever punch, there head turn sideaway and lock in position. So if that percentage happens, the hit player curson would turn to his left/right side, as if he was about to look at that side, and after his curson gets turn there, his head will be look for about 5 seconds, meaning that he wouldn't be able to "turn around" for that long of period of time. I hope i explain it well as much as i could. :p
This sounds like Bears Uppercut which I like, but 35% is extremely for a move that forces a player to move.


Verified Member
This move is pretty irrelevant to the plugin, you already have Paralyze aswell as many other moves/combos that give some sort of paralysis. Although the "head locking in place" part is what makes this move more unique it seems to me that it wasnt very thought out. AKA: A regular punch to the body can't affect the head.

Try again, more reasonably next ime.
Denied for now.
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