Verified Member
Right now phasechange really isn't that useful in battle besides getting out of ice when trapped. So I think adding a new ability to phasechange would be very useful.
Move: PhaseChange
Element: Water/Ice
What it does:
If throw at by torrent, another water bender could freeze it before it hits them, it would be in the same shape as when a bender left clicks it. The ice would disappear in 3 seconds. Range of 8 blocks.
If thrown at by surge freeze that wall befor it freezes you! Left click at the surge that was thrown to stop it in is tracks by freezing it, in the same shape it was when you click it. The ice would disappear in 3.5 seconds. Range of 15 blocks.
When being attacked by a pesky watermanipulation spammer you can freeze the water you are being throw at by them. This one might be more difficult because you have to individually left click all the projectiles being throw at you. The water will turn into ice and disappear in 1 second. Range of 10 blocks.
All of these will have a cool down of 0 seconds.
Move: PhaseChange
Element: Water/Ice
What it does:
If throw at by torrent, another water bender could freeze it before it hits them, it would be in the same shape as when a bender left clicks it. The ice would disappear in 3 seconds. Range of 8 blocks.
If thrown at by surge freeze that wall befor it freezes you! Left click at the surge that was thrown to stop it in is tracks by freezing it, in the same shape it was when you click it. The ice would disappear in 3.5 seconds. Range of 15 blocks.
When being attacked by a pesky watermanipulation spammer you can freeze the water you are being throw at by them. This one might be more difficult because you have to individually left click all the projectiles being throw at you. The water will turn into ice and disappear in 1 second. Range of 10 blocks.
All of these will have a cool down of 0 seconds.