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Passive Attack Boost by Climate

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Passive Attack Boost by Climate

In the series, the waterbenders take refuge in the poles and the swamp for their cold temperature and abundance of water. Firebenders live on beaches and tropical locations near the equator for it's general heat and energy. Earthbenders live in low-lying flat lands, increasing their connection to the earth. Airbenders live in temples that tower into the sky in remote locations to achieve spiritual enlightenment. As such, I've developed an idea to promote benders of every type to live in a location best suited to their element. It would allow them to have a small, passive attack boost based on their living quarters, something around 5-20% boost. The idea is for a player or group of players to build their home front in the ideal biome to be able to defend it well. Just like in the series.

Water: (Frozen) River, Ice Plains (Spikes), Cold Beach, Cold Taiga (M), (Deep) Ocean, Swamp
Fire: Desert (M), Mesa (Bryce), Jungle (Edge) (M), Savanna (M), Plateu (M), Beach, Hell
Air: Locations above 80y
Earth: Locations below 60y

It's not the most thought out, well-devised idea, but I think it could have it's uses. And if you're going to tell me that, with the combination of the sun and moon, it's too many multipliers, you've never picked up a game of Pokemon :V
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Verified Member
I agree with this idea if possible, and I would also add plains to Earth, and mountains as well. More things to think about. This definitely goes well with waterbenders using plants and snow, and earth benders needing to be in certain areas. The only problem I can see is when LOK came out, a lot of benders stopped splitting into groups, and the plugins mimicked that. A lot of players live together, all mixed up, so it may be difficult to find a suitable home for them all.


Verified Member
I had the same idea, i called the passive "Home Lands" And for air. you could add Mountains


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I personally wouldn't consider adding any biomes to air or earth simple because anything below the 60y axis mark covers any low-lying flat lands and caverns while anything above the 80y axis mark covers all plateaus and mountain peaks.


Verified Member
I personally wouldn't consider adding any biomes to air or earth simple because anything below the 60y axis mark covers any low-lying flat lands and caverns while anything above the 80y axis mark covers all plateaus and mountain peaks.
Well, i mentioned mountains because airbenders live in mountains
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