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Verified Member
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the forums page for bugs won't allow me to post any threads. Anyways, I'd like to know if there's any way to change Airbender's particles. In the config this is how I've set it:

CanBendWithWeapons: false
Particles: smoke
Playsound: true

However, in game it remains as the CLOUD particle. I've tried various particles and none of those work. Please let me know if there's any special way to do this.


Verified Member
I have tried changing the air particle and the only particles that you can change it to are CLOUD and SPELL. All the others will not work for me.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Yeah, the particle names aren't actually the real particle names as you found. There are currently 4 options that can be used for it though

  • smoke - The default and standard cloud particles
  • blacksmoke - The old and small black smoke particles (the "bending" plugin uses this)
  • smallsmoke - Spawns snowshovel particles, which are like cloud particles but smaller
  • spell - Spawns white potion particles
Hope that helps :)