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Denied Paralyze Combo

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Verified Member
Replace paralyze ability for this combo, that has the same effect - paralyzing players. The sequence of this combo would be this: rapidpunch (left click) > rapidpunch (left click) > AcrobatStance (left click) > SwiftKick (right click) > Rapidpunch (tap shift). Note, that clicking/tapping on non living beins (such as air), except for acrobatstance, won't execute this combo.


Verified Member
Paralyzing someone can take just one jab at a joint. I don't see the point in creating a combo for this move (especially with those binds) when you could just left click to execute the most simple (and most known for) move a Chi Blocker has.

Sorry, but I am denying this. Thanks for the suggestion though!
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