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New Waterbending Moves?

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Verified Member
Moves: SpikeBlast & WaterPlatform

Element: Water

SpikeBlast [can be a combo]: Iceblast but then spread out into 9 icespikes... its on 5:50 - 5:58

WaterPlatform: (A waterbender can only perform this move submerged in the water) a waterbender can tap shift to raise a 3 by 3 column of ice (or snow) beneath their feet. (Just like raiseearth but with water) Additionally, Holding shift then left click (once) makes the column move the direction the waterbender is facing; its on 1:50 - 1:55
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Verified Member
Leaving a POSTIVIE feedback is appreciated! Tell me if there's is anything that could use improvement to these moves! ;)


Verified Member
1) Iceblast, but done more fancy.
2) IceWave, but done vertically then horizontally.

Looks to me like I can already do these moves in game, o_O
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