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New Move: WaterWalk

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Verified Member
I know that this was in the plugin before. I would like it to be added back in, since for PhaseChange you have to keep clicking over and over again, and it gets quite annoying. So, here's what I want:
Element: Water
Description: It is very self-explanatory. Waterbenders select the ability, then click. When they step onto water, a circle of water will turn into ice, that will follow them. The only way for this to be broken is 1) you get damaged by anything, or 2) you change slots. I think it would be fair if it was a diameter of 5, but it should be configurable, as most moves are. Here is an example of the WaterWalk:

So.... the ice should change into different shapes as you walk around, also. And if you hit land, it should get "damaged" and a bit of ice goes away every time it hits another block, until it breaks, when you have to make a new WaterWalk.



Verified Member
Clicking over and over again with PhaseChange isn't that big of a deal, and adding a whole new move to do it for you seems a bit much.


Verified Member
I agree it would be easier to use this way, but the whole reason it was removed is because it was useless. The clicking may be annoying but it does the same thing as water walking.


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Plugin Developer
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C'mon guys have some originality! Don't just make up new moves to do what current moves already do because you're lazy.


Verified Member
C'mon guys have some originality! Don't just make up new moves to do what current moves already do because you're lazy.
can u plz make a new move for water? its called whirlpool and it makes a swirling water vortex so the players who enter it get sucked under water. is it a good water defense and attack move? if it is a good attack move or defense move for water can u plz make it?


Verified Member
can u plz make a new move for water? its called whirlpool and it makes a swirling water vortex so the players who enter it get sucked under water. is it a good water defense and attack move? if it is a good attack move or defense move for water can u plz make it?
When making a suggestion for a new move, create a thread and post it here: http://projectkorra.com/forums/suggestions.8/
Not on other people's threads.


Verified Member
I think it would be a cool ability cause if ure in a battle u could see what the other opponents doing instead of Clicking each time (My opinion)


Verified Member
I miss this move so much! I would love for it to be a toggleable ability again. It was great for reducing the lag that removing phasechange causes, and for group transports. (If you were in a skype call)


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Yeah um this CAUSES lag since it generates ice WHENEVER the player moves on water. This would be incredibly laggy.
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