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Denied New Air Ability [ Illusion ]

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Element: Air

In-Game Description: The user crouches, charging up the illusion. Once the user releases, an exact copy of them just appears out of them. The user gains invisibility for 4 seconds.

Actual Description: An NPC is created to help the air bender escape. I'm thinking like, no particles or VERY small and almost unnoticeable ones. Cooldown: 25 seconds.

Extra Stuff: Whenever I'm an airbender, I like to disorient my foes using abilities such as airshield, airblast, and airsuction. This seems perfect to add to that :p Also, here's a video on where I found it. Credit to WaterFan99 for the video :3 I saw it on the one he used.
Watch the whole thing or skip to :51 XD

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I know this doesn't really use air in like a proper way XD But maybe they could use the wind to forge an illusion? Idk :p XD


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Head Moderator
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This move has no basis. Airbender's can't create "illusions" of any kind by bending the air.


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Welp that solves that. This is going to be denied .-. Even though it's in the video, in the show .-.


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That wasn't an illusion... It was a full-on offensive maneuver... Also, there's been a thread for what this actually is already - http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/air-wake.652/

Also, this is even in the Avatar Wiki - http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Airbending

"Air wake: By running in a circle and instantly building massive momentum, a master airbender can shoot a blast of highly compressed air shaped like the user's body at a target. This move seems to have extremely high concussive force. It was first used by Aang in the Crystal Catacombs against Zuko.[31]"


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Unfortunately, bending isn't a jutsu you see on Naruto. The ability to make clones isn't present aside from making shapes out of air.
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