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Bug Report MySql saving problems



  • Plugin
    ProjectKorra Core 1.7.0 BETA 10

  • Bug Description
    When saving is set to MySql it does not save properly, when you are an earth bender it'll forget this after you relog.

    When you save a preset as any element and try to load it afterwards, it'll fail to load anything. It's just the preset name which is being saved.

  • What should be happening
    It should save this data properly.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Most certainly, what would you like me to check?
Yes please, if it would be possible i want to know if its having trouble saving or having trouble reading. To do so just set your element, log out and see if the database has it updated :)

For some reason this is working fine for me (saving/loading element wise). Presets is a known bug im just not too sure whats causing it


My problem is not resolved yet. I am not able to reproduce this bug, the version and everything are exactly the same. Players however, are still reporting this happening to them. I'll retry with the database later.


Verified Member
I have noticed that when the command is typed in game /b choose it will automatically update all other serbers,
when performed by server signs or portal commands or something similar a long error appears in console.