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Fixed Metalbending Issues

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Verified Member
Alright, so I am having issues with bending in protected areas. Specifically Metalbending. On my server there is a jail with locked iron doors (locked with LWC). People do not have the permission to build in that area, but are still able to hold down shift, and metalbend the doors, bothering everyone.


Verified Member
well make piston doors pherhaps? and in worst case even if the are jailed the can do anything,cant break block or do commands but still anoying :s i dont care to much since im having jails in faction that are breakable and the real prison are made undreagroun below spawn and made in bedrock :p


Verified Member
The prisons are unbreakable, and They cant do commands, but they bother people with the sound of the door opening and closing


Verified Member
LOL XD well do you mean the person inside the jail or outside people that is messing around with the jails? :p i dont know how bending is allowed on you server but if its the person inside just temp remove there bending? if it outsider well you enclose the jail so they cant reach the iron doors :p


Verified Member
Alright, so I am having issues with bending in protected areas. Specifically Metalbending. On my server there is a jail with locked iron doors (locked with LWC). People do not have the permission to build in that area, but are still able to hold down shift, and metalbend the doors, bothering everyone.
Try doing /rg flag REGION use deny


Verified Member
The region is protected, that's the bug. I have building denied in that area, that means that people shouldnt be able to metalbend, right?


Verified Member
Well, I can disable bending in the world, but I shouldnt need to, It should not work if the player doesnt have build permissions.
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