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Denied Metal bending Sub Class // Earth Re-Vamp and (Water/Air) Spout Idea

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Verified Member
So for Earth I was thinking, the moves are not as strong (they can be, but for most people it doesn't come to them as well), so what if you gave us more capability to do more damage?

My idea is For some new moves is the Earth Subform metal bending. The original plugin didn't give attention to this at all, which disappoint me.

You know how with Waterbenders you just need a water bottle to bend wherever? Well for metal bending what if you just had to have a block of iron in your invetory? This would help a lot, and moves such as a more classy "Torrent" with metal could really help with getting Earth back on top! Ideas for Metal moves are welcomed, because I really just had the torrent in mind. Maybe Armor? Or fast moving spikes of metal??


I also had an idea for some plain earth moves! Such as giant boulders being flung at players, and earth spikes.


Ok so for the torrent, maybe animate it more? Like seriously, a plain stream isn't gonna do it. Maybe put some spinning action in there! C:


So I really just want to focus on the Metalbending part, because I think that could do really good! Metal is so cool and fun, which Is why I like Earth, trust me, I'm more of a Air guy, but metal is so amazing c:
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