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Verified Member
I've been testing out the plugin for a few yours now on my server and I must say good work to the development team on continuing this plugin. The only one was really buggy. One "problem" I always had remains though. I run and MCPC/Cauldron server and so I have forge mods running alongside bukkit.

The thing is, it sucks that bending only works on vanilla blocks. It can't bend new fluids, plants or blocks. I have other plugins that are able to work with forge added blocks by referring to block ids. I don't know if such a simple change would make that possible, but I think it would be a good addition - to add a configuration option to define more bendable blocks.


Verified Member
Can they be defined by their block id? Because in the old plugin it was definable, but because it used the bukkit names and not the ids, only vanilla blocks could be added.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Yeah, minecraft is doing away with block and item ids. Once 1.8 bukkit comes around we literally cannot use it anymore.


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Plugin Developer
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For now we will most likely stick to vanilla, since block ids will be gone in a version anyway and there's no point in converting to it. If bukkit ever allows us to use mod blocks/items, we may change it.


Verified Member
I didn't know bukkit doesn't allow it. The reason I asked if because I have other bukkit plugins (magicspells for eg) that recognize and can use mod blocks.
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