Verified Member
The "ClickLavaCleanupDelay" doesn't work. I set it to 100000000 but the lava still (quickly) dissapears after it has been made with LavaFlow.
My config:
My config:
EDIT: I just noticed the lava dissapears right after lavaflow has disseapeard, even with lower numbers (25000)LavaFlow:
Enabled: true
Description: 'This ability allows an Earthbender to create lava using the Earth
around them. To use, simply hold sneak (Default: Shift) to create a lava moat
that surrounds you, press sneak again to remove the moat. Left click an Earthbendable
block to create a pool of lava after a small delay. Additionally, you can
left click at any time to turn lava back into its original state -- Earth.'
ShiftCooldown: 16000
ClickLavaCooldown: 10000
ClickLandCooldown: 500
ShiftCleanupDelay: 10000
ClickLavaCleanupDelay: 100000000
ClickLandCleanupDelay: 100000000
ClickRange: 15.0
ShiftRadius: 22.0
ClickRadius: 10.0
ShiftPlatformRadius: 2.0
ClickLavaCreateSpeed: 0.03
ClickLandCreateSpeed: 0.1
ShiftFlowSpeed: 0.25
ShiftRemoveSpeed: 20.0
ClickLavaStartDelay: 0
ClickLandStartDelay: 0
UpwardFlow: 3
DownwardFlow: 10
AllowNaturalFlow: false
ParticleDensity: 0.33