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Denied LavaDelta

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Name: LavaDelta
Element: Lava
How Used: [Shift] > [L-Click]
Description: So first this move creates a delta of lava that is 2 blocks deep and 5 blocks wide and circular. Then it sends multiple streams of lava in different random directions. The streams would go for 5 - 6 blocks then stop and would be 2 blocks wide, 1 block deep.


Verified Member
Sounds basically like an upgraded lava flow. Maybe you should suggest that as an add on to lava flow rather than a whole new move.


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Lavaflow already has too many things it can do. No events left for this to be possibly used as an addon to it.


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It isn't that similar to lavaflow. Nothing about it is the same as lavaflow.


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It sounds a lot like Eruption. A custom move by Carbogen. Can you explain what makes it different, or what you can change about it to make it different.


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It is different because instead of the lava shooting up and going out, it spreads in streams completely horizontally.


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Make this a adding of lava flow or a combo like lava flow (shift) > left click shockwave or raiseearth


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I have already stated why it would be a bad addition to LavaFlow. And I thought about making it a combo, but I decided against it because the only logical combo of moves for this would be lavaflow > lavaslap. Raiseearth wouldn't make sense as part of the combo because nothing in this move is actually being raised up.


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This move doesnt serve any purpose that lavaflow cant cover. This move creates lava and spreads it, which is too similar to lavaflow for this move to have any need.


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The headachessssssss. This move is nothing like lavaflow, how many times do I have to say ittttttttt


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How is it dissimilar? It creates lava that flows outwards? It just looks like a "spiky" alternative.


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-Creates moat-like lava around the player that ends up killing the user more often than the target
-creates a 1 block deep pool of lava that does nothing else
-cools lava

-creates a 2 block deep delta of lava that has streams shoot out of it to create obstructions in an opponents path.

I don't see any similarities.


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They both create pools of lava... with different shapes... I see a lot of similarities.


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They both create pools of lava... with different shapes... I see a lot of similarities.
A delta is smaller and deeper than a pool. They both do not create pools. I'm going to take a screenshot of what I mean.
I dont think this move belongs in the core plugin, possibly create an addon?
To what move? I've already stated why it wouldn't work well with lavaflow, and I don't see any other lava moves at the moment. And no other move really does what this is suggestion does.


Verified Member
To what move? I've already stated why it wouldn't work well with lavaflow, and I don't see any other lava moves at the moment. And no other move really does what this is suggestion does.
That I meant was an addon ability. I dont think this is a necessary move.
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