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Bug Report Infinite Torches



  • Which plugin you are using
    Projectkorra Core
  • Which version of the plugin you are using
    1.6.0 - Beta 16
  • Where the bug exists
    Illumination (Fire move)
  • A detailed description of the bug you found.
    If you toggle illumination and stand on leaves, the torch keeps breaking and gives the player infinite torches for free.
  • What should be happening instead
    The torch should not break.


Verified Member
This issue has already been reported, I'm sure they will be working on it in the future developments.
Others are having the same issue. I don't know the fix for this, However you could try methods for your arenas?
Such as setting item drops to false, or that removes item drops.

EDIT: Tbh I never really thought anyone really uses that move anymore o_O