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How to fix Major Minor Version error on Macs!


New Member
Okay now this is weird me creating a thread on how to fix a bug on Macs, when all my computers are Windows products.
Okay, so you get an error that's like Major Minor Version 52.0 or something.
Now I will say "Update your java!" and you will say "But Jed I'm on the latest java!".
LIES! Mac books come with java 6 as a default which doesn't get removed. Heres how to sort that issue!

First, uninstall java 6!

Which says:
In Mac OS X 10.7 the JDK provided by Apple (Java 6) is installed in /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ so just delete it from there

The JDK provided by Oracle (Java 7) is installed in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
Next up you need to install latest java versions, both JRE and JDK, I suggest Java 7 which you can currently get here:

Once you've installed the mac versions of these, give it a go and see if you still have the issues!

If this breaks your mac, I do not take responsibility.
If you have any issues leave a message in this thread!