Ory'hara Geptun
New Member
lol, im trying to get my bending permissions to work, everything else works except the bending perms.
i have them set, but groupmanager doesnt seem to read or use them, lol
# Group inheritance
# Any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups
# and are inherited from the GlobalGroups.yml.
# Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world
# and are defined in the this groups.yml file.
# Local group inheritances define your promotion tree when using 'manpromote/mandemote'
default: true
- -bukkit.command.kill
- essentials.balance
- essentials.pay
- essentials.eco
- essentials.sell
- essentials.worth
- essentials.afk
- essentials.afk.auto
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.list
- essentials.mail
- essentials.mail.send
- essentials.me
- essentials.msg
- essentials.msg.url
- essentials.nick
- essentials.nick.color
- essentials.nick.format
- essentials.back
- essentials.home
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.warp
- essentials.warp.list
- essentials.warps.*
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.chat.url
- essentials.signs.use.balance
- essentials.signs.use.buy
- essentials.signs.use.kit
- towny.wild.*
- towny.chat.town
- towny.chat.local
- towny.chat.general
- bending.command.help
- bending.command.bind
- bending.command.display
- bending.command.toggle
- bending.command.choose
- bending.command.version
- bending.command.who
- bending.command.clear
- bending.fire
- bending.air
- bending.water
- bending.earth
- bending.chi
- craftconomy.money.balance
- Craftconomy.money.help
- Craftconomy.money.pay
- Craftconomy.money.top
- Craftconomy.bank.help
- Craftconomy.bank.balance
- Craftconomy.bank.create
- Craftconomy.bank.delete
- Craftconomy.bank.deposit
- Craftconomy.bank.withdraw
- craftconomy.money.log
- craftconomy.bank.list
- craftconomy.currency.info
- towny.chat.general
- towny.chat.town
- towny.chat.join.*
- towny.chat.leave.*
- towny.chat.local
- bending.*
- g:groupmanager_default
- g:bukkit_default
- g:essentials_default
- g:towny_default
prefix: '&e'
build: true
suffix: ''
i have them set, but groupmanager doesnt seem to read or use them, lol
# Group inheritance
# Any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups
# and are inherited from the GlobalGroups.yml.
# Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world
# and are defined in the this groups.yml file.
# Local group inheritances define your promotion tree when using 'manpromote/mandemote'
default: true
- -bukkit.command.kill
- essentials.balance
- essentials.pay
- essentials.eco
- essentials.sell
- essentials.worth
- essentials.afk
- essentials.afk.auto
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.list
- essentials.mail
- essentials.mail.send
- essentials.me
- essentials.msg
- essentials.msg.url
- essentials.nick
- essentials.nick.color
- essentials.nick.format
- essentials.back
- essentials.home
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.warp
- essentials.warp.list
- essentials.warps.*
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.chat.url
- essentials.signs.use.balance
- essentials.signs.use.buy
- essentials.signs.use.kit
- towny.wild.*
- towny.chat.town
- towny.chat.local
- towny.chat.general
- bending.command.help
- bending.command.bind
- bending.command.display
- bending.command.toggle
- bending.command.choose
- bending.command.version
- bending.command.who
- bending.command.clear
- bending.fire
- bending.air
- bending.water
- bending.earth
- bending.chi
- craftconomy.money.balance
- Craftconomy.money.help
- Craftconomy.money.pay
- Craftconomy.money.top
- Craftconomy.bank.help
- Craftconomy.bank.balance
- Craftconomy.bank.create
- Craftconomy.bank.delete
- Craftconomy.bank.deposit
- Craftconomy.bank.withdraw
- craftconomy.money.log
- craftconomy.bank.list
- craftconomy.currency.info
- towny.chat.general
- towny.chat.town
- towny.chat.join.*
- towny.chat.leave.*
- towny.chat.local
- bending.*
- g:groupmanager_default
- g:bukkit_default
- g:essentials_default
- g:towny_default
prefix: '&e'
build: true
suffix: ''