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Denied Grappling Hooks [Improvement]

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Verified Member
Hello, I've been playing around with Grappling Hooks, they are quite cool, but i have a suggestion.

When a player get hits by a grappling hook, they get "Binded", Meaning it slows their movement speed with Slowness III aslong as your holding it, When right clicking you pull the player towards you dealing a small amount of damage

Another suggestion: The difference between Gold and Iron grappling hooks is really nothing fancy, Why not craft 2 iron grappling hooks instead of 1 gold? To change this up a bit i thought of something, Gold grappling hooks would have longer throw range, Meaning you can climb higher. and get to higher places

Also, 1 suggestion for the config options, Could there be a "Range" option, Grappling hooks really have a short throw range, increasing this value means that Grappling hooks could reach further and allow more climbing


Verified Member
I'm fairly certain most of the physical mechanics for fishing rods aren't possible to modify, regarding the distance configuration.
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