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Fissure - New Earthbending Ability/Potential Earth Combo

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Element: Earth
Move: Fissure
Damage: 2 and 1/2 Hearts (equivalent to combustion)
Cooldown: Also Equivalent to Combustion. Which i Believe is around 9 or 10 seconds (maybe a little longer).
Description: As seen many many times in the series, Earthbender's will cause a long distance disruption in the ground. Similar to something burrowing under the ground.The Move would be Activiated by Taping shift. so its a quick cast distance ability. this is something that i think needs to be added to earthbenders. maybe not specifically this move. but the concept. Im aware how this is rather similar to the move Earthline. But it does have a few differences. and I think that the general move (fissure or EarthLine) should be implemented to the core plugin itself.
It Could be Shown in minecraft by the plugin as several blocks having the 'Block Breaking Particles" without the actual blocks breaking themselves (as shown below but the block still in place). 2014-12-05_18.19.51.png

Or another way the move could be executed is with a targeting raiseearth that moves in a line towards the area or entity targeted. 2014-12-05_18.19.22.png
The Raised Earth would however go away after after a certain amount of time (of course all these are change-able in the plugin). ~Purpose Of The Move~ As to the point to this move, Its a quick cast distanced move. It can be used in several techniques, especially if the wall model is chosen (above).


If this moves seems too op. Or if you need something to fillin' a space on earth combo's. i believe this could be a good combo move. Probably something like Shockwave + Raise-earth.

Or if this does become a regular move. The burrowing move display could be the regular move, and the combo for it. Fissure + Raise-Earth would make the wall model.

And lastly. You could chose either the Burrow or Wall model for the regular Move Look. And if the user is a lavabender the combo could be (Tap shift LavaFlow + Fissure) some sort of LavaFissure.Lavabending.png

Thanks For taking the time to read this Suggestion I appreciate it. Please Comment Below. Constructive criticism Only Please.
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Verified Member
Perhaps you know the custom ability EarthLine, it works very similarly to this. I like the idea of a subtle earthbending ability - something different to offer varying earthbending styles. The suggestion is not bad, although, it would help if you gave an idea of how you suggest the ability should affect a target.
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