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Fixed Fireblast / Fireburst Bug: 1.5.0 Beta 13

Is Fireblast or FireBurst working on 1.5.0 for you?

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Hello, I'm here today presenting a bug i've found with project korra 1.5.0 Beta 13.
The reason I know that it's just with this update is because my main server (Benderscraft) only updated today and up until then it worked fine. Also, before The server updated i wanted to test Lavabending, combustion discharge and so on. On the test servers running this update it didn't work either.

The BUG: Fireblast AND Fireburst do not work as supposed to. In fact, fireburst dosn't work at all. Fireblast is a little weird, the combos using fireblast work fine (Well one of them do "FireKick"). The animations of all the combos and other moves work. But fireblast dosn't. I asked my server admin Max and he told me that because it's happening on the other servers using this update it's a problem with project korra, not me. As a full time firebender ( xD ) this is a little bit concerning.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If i'm being an idiot and doing something wrong please tell me in the comments below. Also If you're experiencing this problem comment about how this isn't working for you to help the developers get a deeper understanding. Thank you.
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