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Fire Whip

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Verified Member
Unlike Water Arms, Fire Arms only allows the ability to damage people.

Things to know

  • Knock back is 2 blocks
  • Damage is 1 heart each time you're hit
  • Cool down time is 10 seconds
  • There is no warm up time
  • Tap shift to start the move
  • Change slots to deactivate the move
  • Default range of the arms is 7 blocks, 10 blocks when swinging to attack
  • You can move freely while using the move
  • The arms will only shorten when you are sprinting

How it works

To use Fire Arms, all you would need to do is go to the slot you have binded it in, and tap shift. Once you tap shift, you are able to move around freely using the move until you change the slot. The move will have a cool down of 10 seconds, with no warm up. To use it, you punch in whatever direction you're looking at, and the arms will make a swinging motion attempting to attack a user. When you sprint, the arms will shorten, you will have to stop to let them get longer so you can attack again.

Evidence of move

Avatar The Last Airbender: Book 2, Episode 20 "The Crossroads Of Destiny"

I feel this move would be a lot more doable than Water Arms if implemented into the plugin.
(@jedk1 made a great Water Arms move, too)

I hope you like this suggestion, comments & questions below.
Thanks, ~Fly


Not sure how I feel about this, considering the sheer OP that is WaterArms...


Verified Member
These are fire whips, two of them. They don't replace the arms nor do they envelope them, which I would imagine would hurt. I don't mind the idea of a single fire whip ability, but two whips and calling them arms is overkill
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