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Kael Wittwer

Verified Member
So i need help,
when i go into the projectkorra folder and then go into config, i edit a few moves and then i run my server but when i run the server the edits don't appear. if i make air stream have a longer duration in the config, it wont apply when i start the server, so then i close the server and go into config and all the changes i made have been reverted back to the original. please help


Verified Member
Could you send the EDITED config BEFORE you save it and restart your server? You could be messing up some formatting unknowingly and it's resetting itself.


Verified Member
You highlight the text in your config.yml, copy it, paste it here (OR in a PM if you want your config private for some reason).

Kael Wittwer

Verified Member
You highlight the text in your config.yml, copy it, paste it here (OR in a PM if you want your config private for some reason).
how to i give someone permission to bend lava or bloodbend? for some reason he cant do it unless i op him but i don't want to op him


Verified Member
how to i give someone permission to bend lava or bloodbend? for some reason he cant do it unless i op him but i don't want to op him

Those are subElements, the permissions are bending.earth.lavabending and bending.water.bloodbending respectively, but in previous version they didn't work for me, and i can't tell if now they work.

However, a possible workaround that i used was use /pk add <subelement> [player]

Hope that helps

Gareth Swan

Verified Member
> Stop server
> Edit config
> Start server
> Profit
I used to have this problem a lot too. As YourAverageNerd said, make sure you've stopped the server before editing it, as I had this problem for a week before I realised that it was then restoring the default config values because the server was still running while I was editing it.
