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Verified Member
I think that a move like "EarthBridge" should be implemented in the game

Name: EarthBridge
Type: Utility
Elemental: Earth
Damage: None
Cooldown/Amount of time for using: Non/Same like "RaiseEarth"

Reason behind it: I think that the reason why I think we should be able to create an earthbridge is because we all know the feeling of having to cross a large fissure/ravine in the ground below and we run out of blocks to use? I think that we should be able to shift and a 4 block wide "RaiseEarth" should come out of the ground horizontally and then it should create a row of earth sprouting out of the ground allowing you to travel across the fissure/ravine with ease.

Also I think we should also be able to implement a water move called "WaterRing"

Name: WaterRing
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Elemental: Water
Damage: Same amount as "WaterManipulation"
Cooldown: Similar to "Torrent" and "WaterManipulation"

Reason behind it: In the show where Tenzin's sister, Kya was fighting Zaheer at the AirTemple in RepublicCity, Kya used a move from a waterfountain to create a WaterRing and as she was moving around she was punching it and we saw that it shot water/ice (Mostly water) at Zaheer. So if we were to put this into the game I think we should be able to bind the move "WaterRing" and its basically like torrent. You click the water and when you see smoke you click anywhere on the screen allowing a torrent-like ring (Although it's closed, not a circle with an opening) orbit you and as it spins around your body you are allowed to punch it as many times as you can (Just like "WaterManipulation" except you don't have to continuously shift and click) It will swirl around the player and you can punch at the other player and a "WaterManipulation" will come flying out of the ring and hit your target (5-10 blocks away) the ring will be maintained until you either get hit or you release shift.


Verified Member
EarthBridge has been suggested as an addition to raiseearth, but I prefer it this way because I can see the accidental bridge instead of a wall scenario. WaterRing is a move that has been recommended in different ways all around the forums I think.
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