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EarthArmor with color?

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Verified Member
  • Which plugin you are making the suggestion for. Core
  • Is this a mechanic seen in either of 'The Last Airbender' or 'The Legend of Korra'? The movie does not count. Technically yes, http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/File:Aang's_crystal_armor.png
  • A VERY detailed explanation of what you want added. If an earthbender uses earth armor on sand, the leather armor would be a sandy color, grass would be like helm green rest dirt, ext. I'm not sure if plugins can change NBT stuff or not, but if so this would be cool.
    • If it is an ability, be sure to specify which element you want it for. Earth


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
In addition to simply changing the color have you considered the different "materials" offering different protective effects? I think that could add a lot of diversity to earth benders based on what environment they are currently in
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