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Earth: Solidify

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Verified Member
So I love building little bases out of earth, and I think it's a shame that you can't quickly create buildings like earthbenders do in ATLA and LOK.

There have been threads about moves making little earth canopies and things like that, but I think there's a way to make this more creative-person friendly, so I propose this:

"Solidify": Upon use turns Nearby structures that would revert into non-to-be-reverted ones, meaning that if you build a little wall around a base with raiseearth and use "Solidify" on the wall (Or each pillar or something) it will remain there.

As an aesthetic/functional feature this should also increase damage resistances of weaker blocks by turning solidified dirt (dirt, grass, etc) into cobblestone, and sand into sandstone-- This move also means that you can "upgrade" dirt houses by solidifying them, making them more resistant to explosions.

Possible other features (if devs like them):

- Could be the left-click to Extraction (because it's sort of similar but the opposite)?
~ Extraction only has shift at the moment.

- Could be used to hurt (crush) people wearing iron armor if you are a metalbender?
~ Causes moderate damage with a moderate cooldown.
~ Encourages use of non-bendable armor (think of it like "not even you can bend X!")

- Could be used to break-disarm-steal other's metal tools if you are a metalbender?
~ Again, makes people consider the weaknesses of their armor/tools, and how to subvert an Earthbenders's advantage


Verified Member
I'm unsure, honestly, how griefing would be handled with this. It just seems a shame that Earth-benders have to build earth-bendable homes by hand, seems pretty ooc.

Perhaps this could be downgraded to simply the smaller functions? It could be renamed "Crush" in line with Kuvira last episode or become a side-function of extraction.


Verified Member
If a command for ops and move for players was given to un-solidify structures that the move was used on then it would just clean up itself over time taking care of the griefing issue.


Verified Member
This sounds kind of like the Compression move Haru and his father used on a bunch of coal to make it one big coal lump. C:


Verified Member
While I do enjoy this move, I think it's impractical for the work and the never-ending bugs that would occur. Creating this move "Solidify" would actually require a lot of work, as the core bending has a function that runs either by proximity or time (I think both actually), but the point is: Your solidification move requires delicate rewriting of this function. Also, it would be extremely hard, as every earth bending move that manipulates blocks has this function somewhere in the statement. So, let's say you bent something like Toph's earth tent when they were travelling with that couple from the train station. What you're saying is, you want this solidification to override this function in a certain AoE, I'm not saying that this is a bad move -- I really like it -- but for such a small move, all the rewrites are unnecessary.

Nicky, ruining your dreams since 1996
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