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Denied (Earth)[Sand] EarthShift

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Verified Member
Element: Earth

Sub-Element: Sand

Move Name: EarthShift

Move Type: Utility

Description: Sandbending right now really isn't much with sandspout. Even WITH sandspout, it still requires sand, and a majority of the land is made up of grass. So what I'm suggesting is a way for sandbenders to create a small patch of sand from dirt/grass. First, the earthbender would right click to select the center of the area for where they would want to create the patch of sand. Then they would sneak at that patch, and eventually, the grass would turn to sand. The process of the grass turning to sand would be exactly like that of how heatcontrol works with lava now. The patch of sand, fully filled, would look like this.

Sandbenders have been shown to also turn sand into a harder substance by condensing it. Sandbenders, as a result, with EarthShift, would be able to turn a larger patch of sand into sandstone (representing condensed sand). The process would be exactly like how you turn grass blocks/dirt into sand, but would be faster, and the patch of sandstone, fully filled, would look like this.



Verified Member
Is there any science behind turning an earth material into another, like in this case - grassblock > sand? Aslong it has some bending logic in it, I would fully agree on this move.


Verified Member
I have never understood the logic in turning grass into sand.. It doesn't make any sense to me at all and because of that, I'm going to deny.
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