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Denied DustStorm

Name: Sandstorm
Use: /b b SandStorm

Function: As an EarthBender, it is impossible to do absolutely anything if within an area without any earthbendable block, (such as lakes, oceans, treetops). As soon as you hit any of these areas, you're toast.
My idea is primarily defensive, although has offensive attribute that accompany it. Sand/Earthbenders have the ability the manipulate even the smallest particles of earth. Once the move is bound, and slot selected, the player will hold shift and begin to charge the move. Gradually, particles from the environment (regardless of the biome) will start to accumulate and fly around the player. (Note: these are not blocks, and does no damage. A smokescreen like effect will be achieved, once charged for long enough)

These particles will not repel projectiles, cause knockback, or deal damage. This DustStorm effect will provide an opportunity for Earth Benders to escape there environment, and get onto land. However, if the Player chooses, once the move is fully charged (after a generous timespan, 10 or so seconds), and all the particles are buzzing about in full force, the player may left click while holding shift, and all the particles will condense right in front of the player and form a solid dirt block.
This allows the EarthBender to gain at least some advantage if stuck in the middle of an ocean, and will allow for some leverage in an otherwise hopeless situation. Now, I can assume you guys are thinking, "Well, what if the Earthbender was in a part of the map, where creating a solid block would oppose the principal of the design of the map, and throw off the whole mechanics of that area." Well, in that case allow the move to be customized so that this move can either form a solid block, or have it instantaneously become a projectile, and fire off in the direction of the user. This way, it never becomes an issue with the map design or mechanics.
Thank you for considering my idea.


Verified Member
This is cool. Just a quick question though, logically speaking how would an earth bender gather sand, enough to create a storm in an ocean? I like the way this idea is going it just seems a little bit strange to me.


Verified Member
I support this idea, it seems good.
However, I don't know how or if it will work in Minecraft.

Good luck! :p


Verified Member
A big part of earth bending is needing a source. Earth is the most powerful when it has sources and that's it's main downfall. I think that currently, earth bending is complete, and this ability really isn't necessary.