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Accepted Developer Application

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Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
How much experience do you have working on Java Projects?
I have been programming in Java for around 3 years now. Originally it had just started out as me being interested in the concept of programming and ending up taking Computer Science 1 (Basics of Java) my freshman year of High School and finished up with me passing all the computer science classes my school had to offer last year. (up through AP Computer Science)
Have you ever publicly released a plugin? If so, could you provide a link?
I have not publicly released any Bukkit/Spigot plugins at this point in time. However I have made various plugins for private and personal use ranging from an Automated Tournament plugin to an Obsidian Breaker and even a way for me to not have to remember my bound bending moves. Not to mention the add-on abilities I've released. :p
Why do you want to be a developer for ProjectKorra:
There are a lot of reasons why I want to be a developer for ProjectKorra, I love the idea of being able to contribute more to the plugin itself and the community behind it. I want to improve my Java/Plugin programming skills and learn what it takes to work in a development team. I find myself explaining how bits of code and processes work to the other concept designers to help shed some light on what is and isn't possible. Sometimes even make contributions to other developers to a point to where I feel I'm spending to much time being a sideman on other peoples projects and should start releasing my own stuff~ (the story behind the random releases of combustion and bending preview) Not to mention how often I get mistaken for an actual developer for doing so! :p

Country / Time Zone:
California, USA / Pacific Standard Time
Additional Relevant Skills:
I'm familiar with both the ProjectKorra and Bukkit API's and am great at thinking through concepts, logic and problem solving~
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