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Valid concept designer application


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Yes I know I have probably applied for the most things out of everyone on the forums. 4 out of the 5. The reason I do this is because I feel I would do an acceptable job in any of them that I have applied for. I love the plugin and I want to help.
If I have applied for too many and one or two need to be removed, I would appreciate if it were developer and/or wiki team. I feel o have ruined my chances for wiki team and am still a very learning dev.

Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra?
I feel I would do a good job as it, I always know the line when it comes to if a something is possible, logical, and would be a balance to the plugin which it is in.

Please provide links to 2-3 of the best suggestions you have made on ProjectKorra:
Most proud of: Spirit sub types
Other two: earthbenders particles and lavawall

Do you have a preference for which plugin you work on?
The core plugin

Country / Time Zone:
U.s.a EST

Additional Relevant Skills:
Logical thinking
Identic memory specifically writing
Remember almost every episode of atla and tlk
I think outside the box, inside the box, and all around the hypercube (hypercube is a cube in the 4th dimension)