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Valid Concept Designer Application


Staff member
Head Moderator
Verified Member
How long have you been involved in the Avatar Series / ProjectKorra?
I was hooked on the Avatar series since I saw the first episode. As the series progressed I fell in love with it to the point I stayed up at night thinking about it. I would even write little stories about what would happen if my friends and I could bend. A few years after the original series ended I found a game called "Minecraft" and that became the new thing I obsessed over. One sleepless night on the internet I discovered that there was a way to bring bending into the game. I stayed up all night that night figuring out how to make a bending server with the intention of finally getting to bend. I could barely tear myself away from it long enough to eat. As time passed I continued to enjoy bending with my pals, we did all sorts of stuff, from adventure maps to custom scenarios, such as using bukkitforge to combine Bending with the invasion mod. I would frequently check for updates on the plugin, but there never were. Until one day I saw a link to a site called "Project Korra". I saw how they improved the plugin I loved in so many ways and once more, I was hooked.

Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra?
I wish to be a concept designer because I wish to help the plugin grow by creating many new concepts which may not have been thought of , in addition to tweaking previous ideas so they may work. In addition to creating new concepts, going over suggestions and assessing their value, how canon they are, how physically possible they are.

Country / Time Zone:
Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Could you please provide 2-3 Concept Ideas?

Ideas I have already submitted:
Velocity Damage:
When an Airbender, or Waterbender uses a move which causes knock-back to the target and they hit a wall after travelling a certain distance (configurable like fall threshold) would take damage according to the knock-back of the move and the distance they traveled

Bloodbending Config Tweak (Thread name is Config Alteration): In the current configuration for blood bending there is only an option for "undead on" or "undead off". I think there should be a larger config option for what mobs can or cannot be bloodbent(bended?) such as how there is a list of what blocks can be earthbent(bended?)

LavaSurge Alteration: After using a block for lava surge, the block should be removed to prevent spam, second, the amount of lava produced should be controllable such as LavaFlow and be dependent upon how long the user holds shift

New Ideas:

Tremorsense Upgrade:
This would essentially take the original tremor sense (Clicking reveals if there is a cave beneath the general area of the player) only with the added benefit of a different kind of particle effect appearing if there is an ore nearby. This addition would be a benefit due to the fact that most earthbenders have moved tremorsense off of their hot bar in favor of lavabending

Additional Relevant Skills: As mentioned earlier, I am a huge nerd for the Avatar franchise and thus have a vast knowledge of the lore, mechanics, possibilities and limits of bending. I have kept up to date with every episode of Korra, and every canon Avatar: The Last Airbender comic, from the promise through the rift, and when the next trilogy starts in September you can guarantee I will follow that too.

In addition to having an incredible source of knowledge for the Avatar Universe I am skilled at problem solving, working in group environments and being open to new ideas. I am willing to listen to new ideas unless they have no possible fitting into the canon.

Thank you.
