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Valid Community Moderator Application

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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Why you want to be a Moderator: Well I want to be a moderator because I love this plugin, I always liked the whole aspect of bending the elements, and I don't feel that I would be a great moderator, but I will always do the best that I can. I want to help out in any and all ways possible, and I feel being a community moderator would give me the best opportunity to do just that.
Prior community Moderating experience: None, although I do have a website for my server, I have so little people that play on my server I don't think it would count.
Relevant Skills to Moderating a Forum / Community:
--I'm logical and truthful
--I have been an active member for however long I have been on (I don't know when I got on)
--I'm very level-headed, I'm not mean, I have never use profane language, and I treat everyone as equal to me, no matter what the situation may be.
--In school I excel in Mathematics and Science, but I'm not that good in Social Studies or English (English as in writing. I have a great knowledge of the english language, I'm what you could call a human sponge when it comes to languages)
--I have a somewhat identic memory, which if you do not know is remembering things and memorizing them. My identic memory deals mainly with numbers, patterns, languages, sounds, smells, tastes, and other random things.
Time Zones you can cover: My time zone is EST, but I could cover most time zones, just nothing too out there I. (I do like to sleep)

I know I have submitted other applications, but as of now I feel I would do best as a moderator due to the fact that I am still learning the basics of coding. (I'm still gonna put in an application for wiki team though, more options as I feel I could do the best as a moderator of wiki team member)
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